Meridian Yoga Therapy & Yin Yoga Teacher Certification

This is hybrid course (In-Person / Online / Video) combines meridians, elements, organs and emotions with the traditional Yoga philosophy and techniques to give the you a powerful and adaptive way of helping all kinds of people. Therapeutic Yoga is real Yoga.  Learn how to teach our basic MYT therapeutic sequence and adapt it for all kinds of conditions.  Learn the basics of Yoga therapy including alignment and dialogue to safely and effectively guide students through MYT and Extreme Yin. Also learn to teach basic all-level pranayama.  We will daily practice MYT, Extreme Yin, Pranayama, Mantra in addition to lecture and teaching practicum

50-hr Video Module
+ 50-hr In-Person Teaching Module
+ 100-hrs Elective Module
= 200-hr Yoga Teacher Certification

Video Module (can be taken independently)
50-hrs Self-Paced
Cost : $208
Purchase here and begin now!

In-Person Teaching Module
January 11-12 + 18-20, 2025
10am-8pm Daily
Spirit Lab, NYC
Tuition : $1208 regular
Register Here

Elective Modules
Yoga Sutras & Hatha Yoga Pradipika Intensive : 50 hrs
Anatomy Immersion : 50 hrs
Yin Yoga Teaching and Adjustments : 50 hrs
SOS Yoga Practice Intensive Online or In-Person : 50 hrs
Meridian Yoga Technique MYT Level 1 In-Person or Video Course : 50 hrs
Meridian Yoga Technique MYT Level 2 In-Person : 50 hrs
MYT and Yin Practice Intensive In-Person : 50 hrs

Learn to teach the Official Meridian Yoga Therapy Sequence including alignment, physical and energetic anatomy of each pose, dialogue and adjustments.
Learn to design and teach Extreme Yin sequences including in depth dialogue for long holds.
Learn to teach the basic all-levels 30-min Breathing class.
Practice daily MYT sequence, Extreme Yin sequences, Pranayama and Mantra.
Practice Yogic Purification techniques, Mantra, Pranayama and Self-healing techniques.
Learn the philosophical foundations of Yoga including Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Apply your learned skills in a community that your care for in your Service Project.

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We designed this program for people who want to to teach Yoga classes that heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You can take this training as a new teacher wanting to gain confidence or as an experienced teacher wanting to gain new insights.

Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary for yourself and others. Study the ancient Masters and practice timeless techniques to sharpen and expand the mind.  Find your Self in the Heart.

Sample Daily Schedule for In-Person modules:
10-11am Pranayama and Mantra Practice
11am-12:30pm MYT Asana Practice
12:30-1 Quiz
1-3 Lecture (Physical and Energy Anatomy, Kriyas, Philosophy)
3-4pm Lunch Break
4-6pm Teaching Methods
6:30-8pm Extreme Yin Yoga Practice

Teacher training includes

Meridian Yoga Technique

Learn to teach and modify the Official Meridian Yoga Sequence pictured above. This is a therapeutic all-levels sequence that helps students to learn and embody the ancient science of meridians. MYT can be modified for specific physical, emotional and spiritual goals. Learn about common injuries and underlying energy patterns that can arise from stress or emotional imbalance. Learn to identify and address the patterns in individuals..


Practice and teach a beginner 30-minute breathing session and chakra meditation to balance, heal and activate mental powers. Learn basic anatomical breathing and how to share this empowering practice with your students.

Diet and Healing techniques

Learn about the Yogic diet and purification techniques and how they can enhance your practice. .

Physical and Energetic Anatomy

Applied, embodied and relevant physical anatomy, organs, chakras and meridians.

Extreme Yin Sequences
We will learn to design and guide these intense meditative sequences that can be adapted to all levels. This is not ordinary Yin yoga. These are deeply transformative. Learn specific dialogue that helps students access the pathways, organs and emotions. (10 min Pigeon, 5 min Camel, etc)

Science of Meridians

Learn to experience yoga using the ancient science of energy pathways, organs and emotions.  Plus learn and practice the most powerful acupressure points.

Bhakti and Mantra

Celebrate Yoga with the art and science of devotion and sound.

Injuries and Conditions

Learn specific postures and points for the most common conditions including back pain, knee pain, neck and shoulder injuries, wrist pain, insomnia, digestive issues, PMS, anger, depression, and more.


Begin a life-long study of the Yoga Sutras and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

May All Beings Everywhere Benefit from this knowledge & practice.