Kimberly Cihlar, Yoga Teacher
Instagram @yogaforboldpeople

Kimberly Cihlar, a Yoga and Meridian Yoga Technique teacher, staunchly believes that every body has the ability to age boldly, as pain free as possible: just get moving to keep moving, modifying as needed. To that point, yoga remains her ride or die, pun intended. She came to the practice over a decade ago, seeking transformation inside and out. Since then, she’s completed over 500 hours of certification, including SOS, MYT and NADA auricular acudetox training. As a yogi, fashion editor, writer, jewelry designer and lover of life, Kim is a constant student, following a path that has expanded her world exponentially. Yoga is her guide, her teacher, her reason for a sober and ecstatic heart, mind and spirit. She believes in a world of love, holistic health, awareness and true authentic Being, spun out from heart-centered healing. Kim’s desire to serve and share the wellness modalities knowledge she’s gleaned from Rose Erin Vaughan, focusing on yoga, acupressure, cupping, NADA and more, has led to her participation in the SOS Volunteer Outreach Program and work within the NYHRE community. She continues to lean into the learnings of asana and acupressure, studying the intelligence of our organs and how that insight and intention affects emotional balance and energetic wellness as we grow wiser and older. After all, age is more than just a number.